Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Granadina oasis!

James spent all last weekend getting the plunge pool ready for summer! One of the main reasons we chose this house during our intense 2-day morning-sickness-infused house hunt was for the terrace. It is an awesome little getaway. I know that if this was in Galway I would have a lot of visitors on sunny days! For now, it's our little oasis (Visitors always welcome!)  

Notice the terrace has lots of wooden boards and 4 kind of weird elephant tables on it. Our landlady left behind a little more than I bargained for in terms of plants and tchotchkes. She asked me if she could leave a few of the larger plants behind. She left ALL of them. This is a small percentage of them. They all require watering at least every 1-2 days to remain alive in the Granada heat. But I don't mind! It's worth it, no? This is why I have a 'Plant Survival Plan (PSP) document taped to the fridge. I put a check mark on it every time they get watered. It helps keep me on track. I love plants but instead of a 'green' thumb I have a 'black moldy plague' thumb. 

After!!! Notice all the boards are gone! The elephants are in the basement!!! I wish I took more pictures of the before as James was working - he had to separate all the boards, lower them off the balcony with rope (I was waiting down below to untie the rope and stand guard). He also had to go to the hardware store to get pool cleaning stuff and Chlorine and PH strips and then clean the pool from top to bottom because it had not been used in years. Then we had to learn how to use the pool filter system, which is basically a big engine-y looking steam-punk thing down in the basement. Apparently the water is filtered through a big box of sand. Lovely clean blue and fresh! Perfect for a hot day!!

That is the splash of one very tired happy man! 

First dip! 


Happy James! 

View from the other side. Notice more plants!

It's Hammock-time! 

My gorgeous husband

Huh? Huh? We live in Spain!!! 

We had just noticed that the towel design matched the edge of the pool. 

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