Monday, June 24, 2013

Parcel Goodies!

A parcel arrived today with some goodies from Sylvia, my sweet sweet Mother-in-Law!  There is no better person. She always sends the most thoughtful gifts and you really never know what you are gonna get! She claims she has as much fun shopping for the parcels as I have opening them - but I don't know, whenever one arrives I am beside myself with excitement! It's so much fun to open them and see what's inside. I don't send Thank you cards as often as I should. I think the ratio of Thank you cards is about 1 : 5 right now - bad Maria. I will try to improve because as you can see, I have a lot to be Thankful for!

Here is an example photo of one of the parcels that she sent. As you can see, it is like a haul from Aladdin's cave, can you tell Grandma's excited for the little one to arrive?!? Ha haha! 

By the way the plates are not in the photo by accident - this were included in the package, all the way to Spain from the US! I think I had mentioned to Sylvia one day that I liked the lighter type plates so she sent me 4, with a note that they would be easier to wash and handle during pregnancy! James really has the sweetest Mom!

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