Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Goodies from Grandma!

Just look at all this cute stuff!!! Another parcel arrived today!!! Look at how cute these little outfits are.. Sylvia said that these outfits came from a friend of hers and they will be perfect for our little pumpkin when she arrives. (That's right! She will be a September baby so calling her Pumpkin is quite appropriate. James and I have were calling her Tweetie while we were picking out her name and the name has kind of stuck, even though we have finally decided on her real name. We think it's more fun not to mention what it is though until she's here! It's our little secret for now!)

Anyway, I'm totally in love with these little outfits, and I must check with Sylvia who her friend is so that I can send them a BIG Thank you!

So cute! Ladybugs!!
Yesterday was Bizy Bathtime so I'm uploading a few photos so you can see his sad little face! He is always really chipper afterwards though. 

We do need to buy more of his special shampoo that we get from Dinovite in the US. It is literally the only Shampoo I have found which doesn't make him itchy! I think mini Schnauzers in general can have small sensitivities in their skin but Bizy is insanely sensitive to shampoos. Even if they claim that they are gentle and for puppies. If we don't use this particular shampoo, he walks around for days afterwards using his back legs to scratch at his belly as he walks. He got really bad when we were living in California (I think this was due to the different grass and insects in combination with his sensitive skin) and Dynovite was the only shampoo that he could tolerate. It even seems to add condition to his dry little hair but without leaving it greasy - it actually leaves a squeak when you are rinsing. 
The link to the Dynovite website is here. The shampoo is called Dynovite DogOSuds All Natural Cleaning Shampoo and we got the Essential Oil Blend. It smells really good and clean without being 'floral' (think the opposite of that white puppy lavender smell, which I can't stand on dogs because - let's face it, dogs don't tend to smell like roses on their own!) This is a nice, earthy, clean, fresh smell that lasts for ages. The other cool thing is that this company is based in good ol' Kentucky so it's nice to see a successful local business that's also doing things online. I might even show them this review lol! 

Yes, I have a dirty little beard! 
I'm so sad. 

Please Momma let me out.
I'm a pirate! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

3 hr Glucose test

Today was the day I plucked up the courage to go take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. When I took the 1 hour glucose screening test this month my blood glucose came back a little high...sooooo I had to take the 3 hour version, which is not fun but important for the baby to check for gestational diabetes.
I fasted for 14 hours before the test so I was verrry grumpy this morning. 

The test is fairly straightforward: First they draw some blood to check your fasting blood glucose levels. Then you drink 100 ml of this thick, syrupy, orange flavored drink. It tastes just like orange-flavored super-sugary soda was left in the car for 3 weeks with the lid slightly off. You can sip it or you can down it in one go. Of course I felt the need to impress the lab technician and downed it in one ballsy move. You might get nauseous (I did), shaky (I did), and your stomach might be upset (mine was). 
Then you have to go back and get blood drawn every hour for 3 hours. The first hour is the worst, I think that's when the pure sugar intake on top of an empty stomach puts your system into a kind of glucose shock. 
Hour 2 was tolerable and hour 3 was as well, apart from getting simultaneously really sleepy and hungry again, and feeling grumpy that the guy sitting beside me was deleting the emails from his iphone for almost an hour, which would not have mattered to me had he not been deleting from his junk email folder, and how each 'delete' was accompanied by a 'beep' like some sort of permanent check-out line. 

..<BEEP>....(urgh so sick)...<BEEP><BEEP><BEEP>...(how much longer)...<BEEP><BEEP>..(only 90 minutes to go)..<BEEP>..(stomach is so queasy right now)..<BEEP>!<BEEP>!<BEEP>!..

This picture always makes me laugh because when I am in that kind of mood, James is the only one who can cheer me up, even when I'm being impossible. After the test I wobbled to the front of the hospital, James pulled up in the car, made sure the cold air from the AC was blowing on me and drove me straight to my favorite restaurant in Granada. True love.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Parcel Goodies!

A parcel arrived today with some goodies from Sylvia, my sweet sweet Mother-in-Law!  There is no better person. She always sends the most thoughtful gifts and you really never know what you are gonna get! She claims she has as much fun shopping for the parcels as I have opening them - but I don't know, whenever one arrives I am beside myself with excitement! It's so much fun to open them and see what's inside. I don't send Thank you cards as often as I should. I think the ratio of Thank you cards is about 1 : 5 right now - bad Maria. I will try to improve because as you can see, I have a lot to be Thankful for!

Here is an example photo of one of the parcels that she sent. As you can see, it is like a haul from Aladdin's cave, can you tell Grandma's excited for the little one to arrive?!? Ha haha! 

By the way the plates are not in the photo by accident - this were included in the package, all the way to Spain from the US! I think I had mentioned to Sylvia one day that I liked the lighter type plates so she sent me 4, with a note that they would be easier to wash and handle during pregnancy! James really has the sweetest Mom!